May 6, 5-7pm

Dan-Whits-Logonorwich inn logo-print


The legendary Dan & Whit’s and its neighbor, the Norwich Inn, have joined forces to offer monthly wine tastings at the Inn for the benefit of local nonprofits. The wine tasting to be hosted on Wednesday, May 6, from 5-7pm, will benefit AVA Gallery and Art Center.

Tickets to this special event are $15, and can be purchased in advance by clicking here, in the AVA office or at Dan & Whit’s.  

Tickets bought after 2pm on the day of the event, or at the door (if space allows), cost $20.

The owners of Norwich Inn, Joe and Jill Lavin, will provide cheese platters, and several local vendors will bring food to sample-all in the spirit of complementing the wines that will be featured.

AVA will receive a percentage of the proceeds from the tickets, as well as from each bottle that will be sold at the Norwich Inn during the wine tasting event.

Space is limited, so buy your tickets now!

Our thanks go to Dan & Whit’s and the Norwich Inn for their support of local nonprofits in general and of AVA in particular.
