Membership: Membership in AVA entitles you to reduced tuition fees and early registration privileges, reduced admission to special events, AVA’s newsletter and class brochures with updates about exhibitions and classes
Annual Fund: Gifts to the Annual Fund are unrestricted and are instrumental for our continued ability to keep AVA’s program offerings alive and well.
Scholarship Fund: Gifts to the Scholarship Fund, including the Rebecca F. Williams Fund for Senior Citizens, allow AVA to offer scholarships that provide greater access to our programs.
Major Gifts: You may designate a major gift to support a variety of specific purposes. Major gifts are currently sought for the capital campaign in support of the renovation and improvement of the 11 Bank Street building, but may also be given for program support, or as gifts to the Scholarship or Endowment Funds.
Endowment: Gifts to the Rowland-Mayor Endowment Fund help ensure the continued vitality of AVA’s programs for years to come.
Tell Your Friends: Your informed and kind words about AVA can bring new people into the gallery and teaching studios.
Buy Art: When you buy a work of art, you support AVA through commission fees, but more importantly, you support the artist, and you have a work of art to grace your home, boost your spirits, or serve as a focus for contemplation.
Attend Fundraising Events: Enjoy yourself and feel good about it! When you attend an AVA fundraiser, you meet new friends and help support the cause.
WHAT You Can Give to AVA
Cash: Cash and checks are the simplest form of contribution.
Stocks and Bonds: Often, it is advantageous to donate appreciated securities. In most cases, the full market value of the securities is deductible and you avoid capital gains taxes.
Bequests: You can remember AVA in your will by specifying a dollar amount or percentage, or as the residual beneficiary of your estate.
Real Estate and Other Appreciated Property: Making gifts of real estate or other appreciated property, including works of art, can offer advantages similar to making contributions of securities. Please be sure to contact AVA’s Executive Director to discuss any potential gifts of property.
Life Insurance: You can name AVA owner and irrevocable beneficiary of a life insurance policy. In doing so, you will make a valuable gift to AVA and receive a tax deduction.
Other Planned Gifts: A variety of giving vehicles allow donors to enjoy increased lifetime income and tax advantages while making a gift to AVA.
Time, Energy, Expertise, Materials and Supplies: Gifts of volunteer time, expert assistance, and materials and supplies used in the gallery, the AVA studios, and the office all contribute vital resources to AVA’s operation. Gifts of materials and supplies are most often tax deductible.