Meet Lyn Swett Miller | This is our first visit in our series of
AVA Studio Chats!
Lyn Sweet Miller is an emerging micro-climate photographer. Her work offers deeply personal narratives about memory, consumption, and our relationships to people, place, and possessions. While investigating aspects of our material world, she creates visual meditations on the power of regeneration, transformation, and renewal. Her current project involves the Lebanon landfill, where she’s visited on 45 separate occasions. She is “happiest mucking around with the detritus of life.” Her work with the Lebanon Landfill didn’t start out as a long-term project, Lyn’s first visit was intended for an Earth Week project she had in mind, but she became interested in the landfill and started to visit year-round. Over her many visits documenting the “land” and the “fill”, she’s formed relationships with the staff. She hopes that in viewing her photographs “people will be inspired … and respect the people who care for it [the landfill].” Lyn Swett Miller lives in Hanover, NH.