Triple Helix: AI-Artist-Audience Collaboration Exhibition | Xuedan ZOU, Yenkai (Kyle) Huang, and Ziang Ren |Â Elizabeth Rowland Mayor Gallery
On View June 6-June 9
Imagine an art exhibition that changes and adapts to the audience’s experience, much like a chameleon blending into its surroundings. The artwork reflects the audience’s thoughts and culture, transforming the artist’s exhibition into a personalized experience for the viewer. With the advent of AI technology, it is exciting to discover the potential for AI to serve as a conduit between artists and audiences.
There will be a terminal (laptop) placed in the center of the exhibition. Six or more digital screens will be installed in the gallery connecting to the terminal. Each screen will display one artwork made by artist Kyle Huang, which he made based on a specific topic. Specific explanatory texts for the artwork will also be shown beside each screen. Audiences are invited to use our terminal to change Kyle’s original artworks based on their own understanding of the topics and the explanatory texts, and these changes will be shown to the public in this exhibition space. In the end, audiences are invited to take user study surveys to be included in the Human-AI Interaction research at Dartmouth College.
We are trying to explore a new form of exhibition with audiences empowered with AI, enabling the ability to change the artworks in real time. How could the opportunity to invite users to modify artworks using AI tools in an exhibition increase a sense of individual creativity confidence? How could this impact their sense of attendance in actual artistic creation, and their understanding of original artworks? We also expect to find any culture relevant relationship in users’ behaviors during the exhibition.
This project is funded by Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth College.