Show Statement
In many cultures bees are seen as a spiritual bridge between the physical and spirit
realms. In ancient Greece and Rome, bees were seen as divine messengers. In Celtic
rituals, people would communicate with gods by “telling the bees” life events. I have
always loved this superstition, as a bridge from our world and to the
natural/supernatural realm.
Sometimes when life events seem heavy, “telling the bees” helps to shift some of the
burden. When life events are filled with joy, “telling the bees” seems to create more
depth and expansiveness. I do not have my own bees to talk to. But I do pause when I
hear geese flying overhead. I stop and listen when I hear a loon call. I watch the blue
heron wade along the shore. I watch the black crows against the white snow.
“Tell the bees” is about being present and sharing small moments within nature. The
small moments are the bridge between the physical and spirit realms.
Artist Statement
Holle Black is originally from New Hampshire but she has lived and studied in London, England; New York City; and Atlanta, GA. She has exhibited as a painter in Nashville, TN; Atlanta, GA; Santa Fe, NM; Columbia, SC, Lyme, NH; and various other cities and countries Her use of mixed media/plaster/wooden panel as the drawing surface adds complexity and depth to her drawings and paintings. Her recent work explores the fleetingness of nature.
Black was represented by the Sandler Hudson Gallery, Atlanta, GA from 2002-2017, where she had solo shows in 2006, Nick of Time, and in 2009, Exaltation of Larks; as well as yearly group shows. Also represented by Kalisher (formerly Soho Myriad) Art consulting in Atlanta, GA, 2002-present; by Portfolio Gallery, Columbia SC, 2003-2015; Barbara Bowles Art, Santa Fe, NM, 2005-present; Bennett Galleries, Nashville, TN, 2005-2015; and by Matt Brown Fine Art, Lyme, NH, 2018-present.
All purchased artwork must be picked up at AVA Gallery and Art Center.