Exhibition Tour: Denis Versweyveld, Joan Hanley, Peter Anderson & Caleb Brown

Exhibition Tour: Denis Versweyveld, Joan Hanley, Peter Anderson & Caleb Brown

Join us for an exhibition tour of the latest exhibitions at AVA Gallery & Art Center. Mapping Memories features paintings, mixed and digital works by Caleb Brown and Peter Anderson. Vegetative Soul is a solo exhibition of paintings by Joan Hanley.  Stilleven features sculpture, drawings and paintings that inform eachother in a solo exhibition by Denis Versweyveld.

Join us for an exhibition tour of the latest exhibitions at AVA Gallery & Art Center. Mapping Memories features paintings, mixed and digital works by Caleb Brown and Peter Anderson. Vegetative Soul is a solo exhibition of paintings by Joan Hanley.  Stilleven features sculpture, drawings and paintings that inform eachother in a solo exhibition by Denis Versweyveld.

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