
The Valley News and AVA Gallery and Art Center invite you and your family to color, cut out, play with, share and enjoy prints made by local artists that are published in a large spread in the Saturday, September 10, 2016 newspaper.

The collaboration is part of an ongoing effort by AVA to put art directly in the hands of Upper Valley residents in partnership with local businesses and nonprofits—on grocery bags, on pizza boxes, on buses, and now—in the Valley News!

Pick up your copy on Saturday, Sept. 10 — and show us how you interact with the art!

Please tag @vnewsuv (Instagram and Twitter) and @avagallery_org (Instagram and Twitter) with the photos of your work, with hashtags #vnewsuv and #avagalleryandartcenter. You can also tag us on Facebook, too: Valley News and AVA Gallery and Art Center.

Have fun!