Stephanie Gordon

Artist Statement:

My current artworks are mixed media encaustic paintings. Encaustic painting is a very ancient and beautiful method of creating luminous art from pigmented molten waxes called encaustics. Encaustics have been used for painting since at least the 1st century BCE in Egypt.  The word encaustic comes from the Greek word “enkaustikos”, meaning “to burn in”. Each layer of melted wax must be fused to the one underneath with heat. Encaustics are well suited for mixed media work as objects and other materials can be embedded in the wax. Encaustics are amazingly durable – some have survived intact for two thousand years.

My enthusiasm for encaustic painting began when I saw the Fayum mummy portraits painted in encaustic at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2008. I am intrigued by the depth and luminosity that can be created with encaustics and I enjoy the opportunity to integrate other materials into the work. I often incorporate handmade papers, foils, thread, and elements of image transfer into the work. Image transfer is a technique using elements from photographs that I have taken and embedding them in the wax.

The qualities of depth and light created by the use of layers of semi-transparent wax are well suited for painting landscapes. I am interested in landscape and how people interact with it, both as an integral part of the image and as viewers from outside the image.


Featured Work

Stephanie Gordon

Spring walk


Stephanie Gordon

Serenity III


Stephanie Gordon

From the Path


Stephanie Gordon

Canopy Triptych



Stephanie Gordon has been an artist and craftsperson her whole life. In her early career she worked as a painter, graphic designer and stained glass artist. After enjoying volunteering to teach art at her local elementary school, she attained her teaching certification. Gordon has taught art to all ages, from kindergarten to adult. She taught art at Hanover High School for 18 years before retiring. She currently teaches community art classes for adults and teens.

Gordon is currently making mixed media encaustic paintings. Encaustic is an ancient technique of painting with molten wax that dates back to the Greco-Roman era in Egypt. With encaustic paints one can create beautiful luminous art with a sense of depth and wonderful quality of light.  She incorporates many techniques from other media into her encaustics. These encaustics focus on the beauty to be found in the New England landscape and people. She exhibits work locally, regionally and nationally. Her artwork is in many private collections from one coast to the other.